Attorney Richard Stevens Returns from South Korea
I (attorney Richard V. Stevens) recently returned to the States from a trip to represent a military member serving in South Korea. This trip took me through Seoul, Osan AB and Kunsan AB.
Consistent with what we have found during all of the worldwide travel Frank Spinner (of counsel) and I have engaged in to represent American military members stationed across the globe, our military men and women stationed in South Korea are motivated, cohesive and represent the best of their generation. We salute all of you for your continued efforts and commitment in distant locations and for a job very well done.
By: Attorney Richard V. Stevens
Civilian criminal defense lawyer and military defense lawyerConsistent with what we have found during all of the worldwide travel Frank Spinner (of counsel) and I have engaged in to represent American military members stationed across the globe, our military men and women stationed in South Korea are motivated, cohesive and represent the best of their generation. We salute all of you for your continued efforts and commitment in distant locations and for a job very well done.
By: Attorney Richard V. Stevens
Military Defense Law Offices of Richard V. Stevens, PC
Blog postscript: Attorney Frank Spinner and I (attorney Richard Stevens) are former active duty military lawyers (JAG). Our perspectives and advice, therefore, are based upon our experience as military defense lawyers and as civilian criminal defense lawyers practicing exclusively in the area of military law. This blog addresses issues in military law, military justice, military discipline, military defense, court-martial practice, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and other military and/or legal topics. Nothing posted in this blog should be substituted for legal advice in any particular case. If you seek legal advice for a particular case, please contact The Law Offices of Richard V. Stevens & The Law Office of Frank J. Spinner for a free consultation.
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