.On 6 June 1944, the WWII Allied forces, led by the American military, invaded the beaches of Normandy, France in a major offensive push to defeat the Axis powers in Europe. War raged across Europe until, at the end of April 1945, Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator, was captured and executed. Adolf Hitler, the German dictator, then committed suicide at the end of April as well.
.Throughout the first week of May 1945, German forces throughout Europe laid down their arms and on 8 May 1945, Germany offered its unconditional surrender. It would be another three months, on 2 September 1945, that Japan also surrendered bringing WWII to a victorious end.
.Today is the anniversary of the Allied landing in Normandy; D-Day. Let us all remember the incredible sacrifices made by the American troops on that beach, the families who lost their sons that day, and the crusade that followed which kept the world free.
.By: Attorney Richard V. Stevens
Civilian criminal defense lawyer and military defense lawyer
Military Defense Law Offices of Richard V. Stevens, PC
Blog postscript: Attorney Frank Spinner and I (attorney Richard Stevens) are former active duty military lawyers (JAG). Our perspectives and advice, therefore, are based upon our experience as military defense lawyers and as civilian criminal defense lawyers practicing exclusively in the area of military law. This blog addresses issues in military law, military justice, military discipline, military defense, court-martial practice, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and other military and/or legal topics. Nothing posted in this blog should be substituted for legal advice in any particular case. If you seek legal advice for a particular case, please contact The Law Offices of Richard V. Stevens & The Law Office of Frank J. Spinner for a free consultation. Military defense law offices are located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Military defense law practices are worldwide.
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