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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Charitable Organizations Established to Provide Financial Support for Families of Military Members Facing Prosecution for Alleged Crimes Committed in Middle East Combat Operations

Our law firm has recently had the privilege of meeting various members of charitable organizations established to provide financial support for families of military members who are facing prosecution for alleged war crimes and other crimes committed in combat operations in the Middle East.

As civilian defense attorneys who represent military members facing courts-martial and other adverse actions, we know how important it is for our military members to have strong defense legal representation against the governments’ allegations and resources. We also recognize the reality that hiring a civilian defense lawyer is a serious financial commitment.

The organizations identified below were established to raise and provide money toward military defense fees and expenses in cases arising out of combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. We are not members of any of these organizations; we simply provide their links as references for any family seeking such defense attorney funding assistance. Each organization will describe how funds are raised, what criteria must be satisfied to be eligible for any money, etc. Here are some links:

The United American Patriots, for example, rely heavily on the support of public donations and participation in fund-raising initiatives. They have little overhead, so a high percentage of the funds they receive go directly toward their stated purpose.

If you or your family member is facing the uncertainty of a military trial or other adverse military action, you should research what organizations may exist that could assist in financing a defense that includes civilian counsel. In such a critical time in a military member’s life, it is comforting to know that organizations do exist that will help pay for strong civilian defense attorney representation.

By: Attorney Richard V. Stevens
Civilian criminal defense lawyer and military defense lawyer
Military Defense Law Offices of Richard V. Stevens, PC

Blog postscript: Attorney Frank Spinner and I (attorney Richard Stevens) are former active duty military lawyers (JAG). Our perspectives and advice, therefore, are based upon our experience as military defense lawyers and as civilian criminal defense lawyers practicing exclusively in the area of military law. This blog addresses issues in military law, military justice, military discipline, military defense, court-martial practice, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and other military and/or legal topics. Nothing posted in this blog should be substituted for legal advice in any particular case. If you seek legal advice for a particular case, please contact The Law Offices of Richard V. Stevens & The Law Office of Frank J. Spinner for a free consultation.



These organizations are very important for military families facing difficult legal situations. My husband has served in the Army for 8+ years and is on his second Middle East deployment. He is currently in pretrial confinement in Kuwait and is accused of murdering an Iraqi/Al Qaeda insurgent. Without help from these organizations, it would be very difficult to mount a defense for my husband. His case is further described at:

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